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Archive for December 2015

  • For the majority of our relationship, we were on opposite sides of the ocean, with 8,000 miles between us. Linda drew this picture to remind us that even though we weren't together, our hearts were drawn together by our common faith in Christ and His amazing grace.

    Across Oceans

    By : rnphdmom
  • The first time we met in person (after corresponding over email for nearly a year), Phil gave Linda a dozen roses... and Linda drew this picture to commemorate this event!

    Our first meeting

    By : rnphdmom
  • When we were still dating with 8,000 miles between us, Phil got sick one day. Linda really wished that she was there to take care of him, but drew this picture instead.


    By : Philip
  • While visiting Linda's parents, it snowed and Phil had to go outside to shovel the snow and he looked so cute doing it Linda just had to draw a picture for him.

    Shoveling snow

    By : rnphdmom
  • Here is our year in review! Thank you all so much for those of you have been faithfully been following us and keeping us in your prayers.

    Our Christmas Newsletter

    By : rnphdmom
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