• Posted by : rnphdmom Monday, May 14, 2018

    For awhile this blog became my recipe repository. I think it is because I needed this blog to be the recipe repository at that time. My father, who will always be rememberd fondly as a chef, was dying of terminal cancer at that time and I needed a way to connect and remember him. To this end the blog will still be a recipe repository from time to time but it originally did start out as the record keeper of our adventures. Now it will get to be that again, the record keeper of our memories that we would like to hold onto that's similar to what we have in our emails. We didn't do it intentionally but when koala and I started dating, it was through emails and we now have hundreds of pages of emails recording exactly how our courtship went down up in the cloud storage.
    But back to the blog, it will be a place that we will keep our close family and friends informed of our adventures as we're doing life apart from you all. It is a way to keep connected. Just like how this blog helped me to still feel connected to my dad after he passed away. Only I hope we'll get to see you all on this side of heaven for a long while.
    I suppose if this blog had a mission/purpose/value statement it would be to help us to stay connected to our loved ones. 

    { 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

    1. Thank you for sharing your blog. I am happy to be able to keep up with you and your family! We are praying for you in this transitional period of your lives!


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